Serving Adams, Franklin, Cumberland and Fulton Counties in PA, Washington County, MD. and Morgan County, WV.
We are a local chapter of the American Assoc. of Woodturners
Cumberland Valley Woodturners
We welcome new members and membership is open to everyone regardless of the extent of your turning experience. You only need the desire to learn from us and know that we want to learn from you as well.
All are welcomed to be a guest at our club meeting for up to three meetings. At the third meeting we request that you become a member of the club. To be a guest just show up at one of the meetings.
If you would like information about joining the club, please contact our club treasurer Rod Stabler at or 717-642-5156. Dues are $40.00 per year for individual membership, and $50.00 for family membership. Youth seventeen and under will not be charged for membership. Youth under the age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult club member.
The Cumberland Valley Woodturners is a group of friendly woodturners ranging from novice to professional skill level who love to share techniques and learn from each other.
We meet the first Thursday of every month. Meetings start at 7 p.m., however, doors open at 6:15 to allow time to visit, enjoy something to eat and set up for the meeting. We welcome guests to come see what we are about and to meet new friends who share the love and wonderment of wood. The club's purpose is essentially to promote interest in wood turning. It provides opportunities for members to share ideas and techniques on various forms and finishes through demonstrations and discussions.
The club was started with its first meeting at Larry Miller's home in January 2004. The regular monthly meetings were held in members’ homes until August 2007 when it moved to Waynesboro, PA. The club's current meeting location is at: 1773 Warm Spring Road, Chambersburg, PA 17202.
During each meeting, we have a demonstration by either a guest or one of our members. These demonstrations cover a multitude of wood related subjects such as actual turning, tool making, wood identification or surface enhancement. Everyone is encouraged to bring a piece for Show and Tell to share their techniques and finishing process.
Some of our members are happy to mentor anyone interested in learning beginner projects or more complicated turning techniques and enhancements. Go to the "Home" page and the members that have an asterisk after their name are mentors.