Grant Wheeler

Barbara Fordney

Barbara Fordney

Jeff Bean

Barbara Fordney

Bill Dick

October Show and Tell

Joe Wertner

July Challenge
Something Turned Green

Don Rink

Bill and Barbara Fordney

Don Rink

Ruth Niles

**Click Images to Enlarge**

Barbara Fordney

Bill Fordney

Bob Robinson

August Challenge
Anything Multi-Axis

Grant Wheeler

Larry Miller

November Show and Tell

Joe Wertner

Jim Kline

John Stewart

Bob Robinson

Bob Daniel

Evon Barvinchak

2013 Monthly Show and Tell

Carroll Stottlemyer

Maury Mahan

Barbara Fordney

Bill Dick

Bill Fordney

Barbara Fordney

Rod Stabler

January Challenge

Larry Miller

John Hough

May Challenge
A Captive Ball or Ring

Bob Robinson

Jim Stottlemyer

Bill Fordney

May Show and Tell

Evon Barvinchak

Bill Fordney

June Show and Tell

Colby Benedict

Carroll Stottlemyer

Don Rink

Jim Kline

John Stewart

Bill Fordney

Jim Kline

Grant Wheeler

Bob Robinson

Tom Harple

Bill Caldwell

Bill Caldwell

Grant Wheeler

Jim Stottlemyer

John Stewart

Bill Dick

July Show and Tell

Ruth Niles

Colby Benedict

Various Members

John Hough

Jim Kline

Larry Miller

Larry Miller

March Challenge
The Best Bowl You Can Turn

John Hough

Ruth Niles

Jim Kline

November Challenge
Segmented Turning

April Challenge
A Fancy Yo-yo

Bill Dick

Maury Mahan

Bill Fordney

Bill Fordney

Bill Fordney

Barbara Fordney

Jim Stottlemyer

October Challenge
A Stool

Jim Kline

Jim Stottlemyer

Barbara Fordney

Bob Robinson

Maury Mahan

Bob Daniel

Serving Adams, Franklin, Cumberland and Fulton Counties in PA, Washington County, MD. and Morgan County, WV.   
 We are a local chapter of the American Assoc. of Woodturners

Don Rink

Don Rink

John Hough

Bill Fordney

Jim Stottlemyer

Lloyd Benedict

Larry Miller

Jim Stottlemyer

September Show and Tell

April Show and Tell

Jim Stottlemyer

Barbara Fordney

Bob Robinson

Bill Caldwell

Bob Robinson

John Stewart

Joe Wertner

Lloyd Benedict

Rod Stabler

Maury Mahan

June Challenge
A Pair or Set of Anything

Bob Robinson

Ruth Niles

September Challenge
A Fancy Spinning Top

February Challenge
Unique Bottle Stoppers

Jim Mills

Maury Mahan

January Show and Tell

Bill Dick

Bob Robinson

Bob Robinson

​​​Cumberland Valley Woodturners

Bill Fordney

John Hough

Barbara Fordney

Maury Mahan

August Show and Tell