Joe Wertner
Bill Fordney
Rod Stabler
John Hough
John Wadel
September 1, 2016
Challenge was to turn something filled
John Lehman
Bob Robinson
Nelson Zullinger
John Hough
Bob Robinson
John Lehman
Devin Beery
John Wadel
Justin Beery
Dan Long
Bill Krofft
John Wadle
Joe Wertner
Joe Wertner
Lloyd Benedict
John Lehman
Lloyd Benedict
Bill Krofft
February 4, 2016
The meeting challenge was to turn a Weed Pot.
Joe Wertner
Glenn Showalter
John Stewart
Bob Robinson
Rod Stabler
Dan Long
Nelson Zullinger
Maury Mahan
Larry Witmer
Jim Stottlemyer
Nelson Zullinger
Ken Walker
Bob Robinson
Bonnie Fox
John Lehman
Bill Krofft
Maury Mahan
John Hough
John Wadel
Bob Robinson
Bill Fordney
John Lehman
Tom Ankrum
Bill Krofft
Jim Stottlemyer
August 4, 2016
No Challenge for August
Joe Wertner
Bill Krofft
John Stewart
Nelson Zullinger
Bob Robinson
Joe Wertner
John Wadel
Ken Walker
Bill Fordney
Bob Rosand
John Hough
Bill Krofft
Ken Walker
Joe Wertner
June 2, 2016
The Challenge for the night was to turn a sphare or egg shape.
Devin Beery
Bill Krofft
Jim Stottlemyer
Carson Benedict
Jim Mills
October 6, 2016
Challenge was to turn a Tic-tac-toe box.
Bob Robinson
Ken Walker
Bob Robinson
Jim Stottlemyer
Maury Mahan
Ken Walker
Ken Walker
Bill Fordney
Bill Fordney
Bob Robinson
Bill Krofft
Joe Wertner
John Wadel
Jim Stottlemyer
Bill Krofft
Bill Fordney
Larry Witmer
January 07, 2016
The meeting challenge was to turn something small.
John Wadel
Joe Wertner
Bill Krofft
Bob Robinson
Justin Berry
Nelson Zullinger
Nelson Zullinger
Maury Mahan
Bob Robinson
Ken Walker
Larry Witmer
John Wadel
Maury Mahan
Joe Wertner
Bob Robinson
Dan Long
Bob Robinson
Rod Stabler
Rod Stabler
John Lehman
Justin Beery
Bob Robinson
Joe Wertner
Devin Beery
Larry Miller
July 7, 2016
Challenge was to turn a Salt or Pepper Shaker or Mill
Jim Stottlemyer
Bill Krofft
Joe Wertner
Larry Witmer
Nelson Zullinger
Bob Robinson
John Wadel
Larry Witmer
May 5, 2016
Challenge for the night was to turn something using alternative chucking
Bonnie Benner
November 3, 2016
Challenge was to turn a pen.
Joe Wertner
March 3, 2016
The meeting Challenge was to bring a turning with a picture that you had taken of it.
John Wadel
Serving Adams, Franklin, Cumberland and Fulton Counties in PA, Washington County, MD. and Morgan County, WV.
We are a local chapter of the American Assoc. of Woodturners
Cumberland Valley Woodturners
Larry Witmer
Jim Stottlemyer
Nelson Zullinger
Ken Walker
Bonnie Fox
Jim Stottlemyer
Bonnie Fox
Carson Benedict
Ken Walker
John Wadel
Bob Daniel
Rod Stabler
Bill Krofft
Bonnie Fox
Dan Long
April 7, 2016
The meeting challenge was to turn a platter.
Bob Daniel
Jim Stottlemyer