Glenn Showalter

Bob Robinson

Ken Walker

Barbara Fordney

Nelson Zullinger

Joe Wertner

Jim Stottlemyer

Carson Benedict

Bill Krofft

Nelson Zullinger

Rod Stabler

Jim Stottlemyer

John Lehman

Dan Long

Nelson Zullinger

Bonnie Fox

John Hough

Nelson Zullinger

Joe Wertner

Carroll Stottlemyer

Lee Burkholder

Bonnie Fox

Lloyd Benedict

John Lehman

Maury Mahan

Joe Wertner

Jim Stottlemyer

Bonnie Fox

**Click Images to Enlarge**

John Wadel

August Show and Tell

June Show and Tell

June Challenge
Tool handle

May Show and Tell

April Challenge
Natural edge bowl

March Show and Tell

Ken Walker

March Challenge
Item turned from green wood

February Show and Tell

February Challenge
Inside Out Turning

January Challenge
Patter less than 1/4" Thick

2015 Monthly Show and Tell

Serving Adams, Franklin, Cumberland and Fulton Counties in PA, Washington County, MD. and Morgan County, WV.   
 We are a local chapter of the American Assoc. of Woodturners

​​​Cumberland Valley Woodturners

September Show and Tell

Catalpa- Walnut Oil

Box Elder

Ken Walker

Bob Robinson

Devin Beery

Pear Wax

Bill Krofft

​Ambrosia Maple

Ken Walker

Nelson Zullinger

Jim Mills

John Hough

Jim Stottlemyer

Bonnie Fox 

Bonnie Fox

John Lehman

Joe Wertner

Jim Stottlemyer

Bill Fordney 

Pam Caldwell

Bill Caldwell

Bill Fordney

November's Show and Tell 

Justin Beery

​Stem Bowl

Spalted Beach

Jim Stottlemyer

Jim Stottlemyer

Elm - Trim-Walnut & Oak

Toothpick Holder

Dan Long

Bob Robinson

John Stewart

Nelson Zullinger

October's Show and Tell

Cherry & Maple

Tom Ankrum

Bob Robinson

Box Elder

John Hough

Bill Caldwell

Ken Walker

Lloyd Benedict

Ruth Niles

Spalted Maple, Trim-Walnut-Oak

Bob Daniel